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Räpina School of Horticulture

April 25, 2018
By: Katrin Uurman

Räpina School of Horticulture was founded in 1924. The school is the oldest and also the biggest vocational school teaching horticultural subjects in Estonia. There are about 670 students studying in the school, 78 % of them are adult learners.

The school offers a vocational qualification in fields of horticulture, landscape gardening and construction, floristry, environment protection and textile work. Also, the school offers secondary and upper secondary level vocational education for full-time students and upper secondary education for distance-learners, EQF levels 3, 4 and 5. The school offers also non-formal studies.

The school manages approximately 8 hectares of parks, 6 hectares of gardens and fields and a modern greenhouse. In the park grow more than 300 different tree and shrub species.

The staff consists of 55 full-time teachers and 55 employees in the boarding school, in the training nursery and in the maintenance department.

The School has international experiences through Leonardo da Vinci program from the late 1990s, now it continues with Erasmus+ Program. Our students have an opportunity to attend their traineeship in Latvia, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Norway and Great Britain.

Since 2010 Räpina School of Horticulture is a full member of the FLORNET transnational network.Since 2005 the school is a member of EUROPEA International. The school belongs also to “Arbeitsgemeinschaft Europäischer Gartenbaulehrerinnen und Gartenbaulehrer”

Katrin Uurman
National Coordinator
leader of the campaign “Month of an EUROPEA Member State”

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EUROPEA – Europe de l’Enseignement Agronomique AISBL

Centre Technique Horticole

Chemin de Sibérie 4

B-5030 Gembloux

Official Registration Number: 450983484