The Erasmus+ Forest4life Project n. 2022 is coming to an end these days promoted by the consortium formed by the four historic forestry schools in Italy, IIS “A. FANFANI and V. CAMAITI” of Pieve Santo Stefano (Ar), “F. Meneghini” of Edolo (Br), “A. Della Lucia” of Feltre (BL), “G. Baruffi” of Ceva and Ormea (Cn) and by two agricultural institutes, IIS “Umberto I” of Alba and “M. Rigoni Stern” of Asiago (Vi).
The Forest4life Project began in 2013 and in recent years has pursued the objective of creating short and long-term agricultural-forestry mobility for pupils in the fourth and fifth classes, with particular attention to the care and protection of the territory, ecology and environmental sustainability, technical and digital innovation in the agricultural area.
The 2022 Project involved 49 students in short-term mobility in the summer of 2023, for a period of between 32 and 34 days, to Ireland, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and France. Two students of the Consortium are still on Long Term mobility in Barcelos in Portugal for an experience of over three months of work and knowledge not only of a cultural but also professional nature. The absolute priority of the project is to encourage the inclusion and conscious participation of students with concrete help and careful preparation to best deal with the internship and stay abroad.
With the aim of also undertaking collaborations between teachers and trainers in the agro-forestry sector abroad, again thanks to the Forest4life Project n.2022, three teachers of specialized subjects are about to leave for Meppel in the Netherlands where they will be busy for a few days in a Job Shadowing activity at the host organization Terra MBO Meppel.
Staff mobility is aimed at improving their professionalism, the quality of work and their foreign language skills; but also to increase motivation and satisfaction in daily work in school and in teaching training. The intention is to provide the opportunity to improve understanding of practices, policies and systems in the fields of education, training and youth in all countries.
Furthermore, we want to undertake a path of exchange and updating towards possible changes in terms of modernization and international opening within organizations in the education sector.
(Text and pics by Cristina Piano Erasmus+ Forest4life – Istituto Baruffi di Ceva e di Ormea)