On Tuesday 6 September 2016 the new board of EUROPEA Netherlands was installed in Wageningen. Two members resigned, three took office. The new members were elected by the membership meeting in June 2016. After the transfer meeting the new board members were installed.
The new members are: Karin Elferink (Helicon opleidingen), Jan Jeronimus, treasurer, (Wellantcollege) and Ilse Terpstra, secretary, (Terra). They fill in the empty positions in the board and together with Paul Gehlen (Citaverde) and Harrie Meijer, chairman and national coordinator, (Groene Welle) they form the new board for the coming years.
Resigned have Evelien Kist, secretary and treasurer since 1993, (Terra) and Ton Stok, chairman since 1999, (Wellantcollege). Evelien and Ton worked for many years for EUROPEA Netherlands and EUROPEA. Together with Madelon de Beus, founder (1993) and advisory board member (Aeres Wageningen), they will of course be available to share their experience with the young team!