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2022 – a successful year

January 12, 2023
By: juditcovic

2022 was a very busy year for EUROPEA member Közép-magyarországi ASZC (Agricultural Vocational Training Centre of the Central Hungarian Region, Budapest, Hungary) as far as international cooperation is concerned. After the difficult COVID periods, activity has reached its peak again and the institution that unites 11 schools with different Green VET profiles is proud to present its yearly figures:

  • 284 students
  • 58 escorting teachers
  • 104 colleagues

have participated in a great number of mobilities that included study visits, practical trainings, strategic partnership project meetings, international competitions as well as courses of methodology and language development visiting none less than 19 countries (Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom)!

What is more, in 2022 the international coordinator of KMASZC, Judit Emma Tóth was chosen one of the “Marketing faces of ERASMUS+” in Hungary and was asked to represent the country at the final celebration of ERASMUS 35 in Brussels in December.

Congrats! A great year has passed by and we are looking forward for more in 2023!


Acknowledgements: many thanks to Juci (HU) for the data 🙂

Photos: KMASZC Facebook page