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Experiencing digital EUROTIER at EUROPEA school Fachschulzentrum Freiberg-Zug/Germany

February 12, 2021
By: Gerd Alscher
Last year we planned (as usual) a trip with our students to the agricultural fair EUROTIER in November. But with COVID-19 EUROTIER 2020 was postboned to February 2021 in the hope it can take place in Hannover „physically“ then. But the virus hasn´t followed this plan, so the fair is held virtuaElly this week. As we only have two classes at our school at the moment, we changed the classrooms into conference rooms yesterday. Each “conference room” was dedicated to a special topic, e.g. dairy or beef cattle, pigs, poultry, EnergyDecentral. All students went through the programme before and created personal „playlists“ and moved between the rooms according to their individual lists… So all got an update of the latest developments in agriculture…
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EUROPEA – Europe de l’Enseignement Agronomique AISBL

Centre Technique Horticole

Chemin de Sibérie 4

B-5030 Gembloux

Official Registration Number: 450983484