European recognition of the quality of international activities awarded
The National Agency in the Netherlands has granted an Erasmus+ accreditation for the mobility consortium of Helicon, Citaverde, Lentiz and Wellantcollege! It’s a European recognition of the high quality of their international activities. The accreditation ensures funding for both student and staff mobility for the current seven-year financial framework of the European Union.
New recognition for consortium with proven track record
The consortium for mobility in VET education, coordinated by Wellantcollege, has held the predecessor to accreditation, the VET Mobility Charter since 2015. Erasmus+ accreditations for are now awarded for the first time. Helicon, Citaverde, Lentiz and Wellant are among the first recipients of the new accreditations in February 2021.
As member of The Dutch Alliance network, Wellant was also granted a second Erasmus+ accreditation. That’s double recognition of their internationalisation efforts!
Benefits of Erasmus+ Accreditation
The accreditation enables systematic and strategic mobility activities during the Erasmus+ Programme period 2021-2027. Accreditation demonstrates the organisation’s commitment to the quality standards of the programme. Accreditation secures regular annual funding for student and staff mobility. Applications for accreditation have been assessed based on transparent criteria which were the same in all European programme countries.
Strong Roots
For the past 15 years, internationalisation has been a strategic priority for the consortium of Helicon, Citaverde, Lentiz and Wellant. The colleges provide students and staff with required competences needed by the labour market and society.
Providing their students with international competences is carried out in various ways, including internationalisation at home, blended learning, as well as school exchange projects and internships abroad.
Staff also have excellent opportunities to develop their international competences and further hone their skills through mobility. They participate in training, benchmarking, and international teaching exchanges, projects to innovate our education and training, and knowledge export operations both in the EU and outside.
Acknowledgements: many thanks and congrats to EUROPEA-Netherlands and Jan (NL)
Photo: from Jan (NL)