At the agricultural college in Bitburg (Rhineland-Palatinate), member of EUROPEA Germany, all were very lucky that the two final classes could finish their final written and oral exams shortly before the lockdown in Germany in April. Unfortunately, the graduation ceremony had to be cancelled from well-known reasons.
Although the pandemic situation has led to certain limitations concerning activities outside school, the students had the chance to experience some special lessons during their course, e.g. a communication seminar “Stay cool despite irritant topics”, a second-day-course “Care of the claws” with a Luxembourgish trainer, a project day about raising calves and heifers and last, but not least, a seminar about organizing officework.
Moreover, one of the classes was confronted with another project: Analyzing and evaluating an agricultural company. The students had to analyze all departments of the company in terms of efficiency and economy, had to do a SWOT-analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) of the company, make suggestions for a more successful work and finally present their work to the company owner. A real challenge for them, but they did a good job and laid a good basis for their professional life. (Dr. Anja Stumpe, DLR Eifel)