

April 17, 2022
By: Paco Fernández | Katrin Uurman
From 4th to 7th April, 2022

After two long years of pandemic, the EUROPEA – Spain family has physically met again to celebrate its XXVII Congress and Ordinary Assembly 2022.


About 50 people from all over Spain attended the meeting, which took place in Aragon. The activities took place alternately in Hueca and Zaragoza. The Integrated Public Centres of Montearagón, Movera and San Blas, with their respective directors at the head, have been responsible for designing and developing a varied and interesting programme in which the SDGs have been the leitmotiv around which the conferences and papers presented have revolved.

In addition to the conferences, the programme was full of complementary activities in which the participants had the opportunity to visit various agricultural and environmental projects in which systems have already been introduced and measures have been adopted for production in coherence with the SDGs.

Among the conclusions of the Congress, it stands out that more can and should be done from VET to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs, as we have the possibility of influencing our young students so that they are the ones who induce the change that our society needs, moving from a model based on the exploitation of resources towards a model of agricultural production that is economically, environmentally and socially sustainable.

At the end of the congress, the traditional transfer of the flag took place, symbolising the change of the presidency of EUROPEA – Spain from Aragon to Catalonia.


Text and photos: Paco Fernández