Today, global community faces enormous challenges: How to deal with climate change, food security, food production for a growing population and the end of the oil reserves? For prosperity and wellbeing for 9 billion people in 2050, another way of production of food, feed, materials and energy is needed. A circular society can offer solutions. It will create regional economic growth and employment. It gives new chances for farmers, to develop their farms bio-based and in a circular way.
In several places in Europe, the development of circular economy learning materials has started, typically in a fragmented and bottom-up way by innovators and early adopters as commonly witnessed in emerging fields. The development of materials is very time consuming for individual teachers and materials are not always shared or easy to be found by other teachers. On different and fragmented places, the “wheel has been reinvented”.
Aims and Objectives
BioComp describes and prioritizes specific skills/competences in the Biobased Economy (BBE), additional in-line with existing ESCO skills description and an on-line tool based on Learning Scenarios to create personalized training programs for students and workers in the circular economy.
Target group
This project is primarily aimed at Vocational Education and Training (VET), with a focus on educators for further training of workers in the Biobased (circular) economy. After this project, educators and workers can create their own individual training scheme, for their unique situation. This will lead to optimizing their training pathway and to better economic results of the companies.
Practical level needs
There was no central set of BBE competences and skills development available. BioComp therefore analyzed the ESCO set of competences and captured, described the 40 mostly required competences for a Biobased-Economy training program (IO1) and developed a BBE Competence Navigator tool for it. Based on this set, a dedicated and tailored learning programme is developed using Learning Scenarios.
Policy related needs
The BioComp project intentions are furthermore in line with the provisions of several EU Regional Operational Programs and Development Programs.
Concretely, BioComp delivered the following three outputs:
1. BBE related competences
A description and ranking of the most essential competences for:
- Setting up a BBE Company,
- Algae,
- Biogas,
- Bio-packaging
These competences are divided into personal, transversal and technical competences.
2. Learning scenarios
Based on the competences, 4 learning scenarios were developed, including a teacher guide with “How”-questions, wiki, quizzes and a translation tool,
3. Handbook Best Practices
This handbook gives examples to be used by other teachers and trainers.
- Vysoka Skola Chemicko-Technologicka v Praze (CZ)
- Open Education Community Foundation (BE)
- Blankcon
- Sächsische Bildungsgesellschaft für Umweltschutz und Chemieberufe Dresden MBHSBG (DE)
- Pro Time R (RO)
- Profesionalna gimnaziya po turizam “D-r Vasil Beron” (BUL)
- University of West Attica (GR)
- European E-learning Institute (DK)
See from HERE.