Gilad Buzi, an American farmer established in Catalunya, Spain, spent two days at Kalø Organic Farming College in Denmark. He was there as ‘invited expert’ via ERASMUS+ funding provided by EUROPEA Denmark. He gave lessons for students and lectured during the Kalø Organic Farming College’s Professional Day. This annual event gathers both present and former students at the school to hear about out-of-curriculum topics.
Gilad’s farm Aurora del Camp is situated in the outskirts of Barcelona. The farm is focused on regenerative farming techniques and supplies their many local customers with vegetables and herbs. During his two-day stay, Gilad shared his expert knowledge on the rational use of machinery in small scale farming. He explained the application of mechanization in his own farming approach, and lectured about cost analysis when investing in tech. He introduced the latest development in agricultural robotics and laid out the impact on farming in the next five to ten years.
Gilad truly inspired and enriched the 20 students who are in their final semester, as well as the more than 130 participants in the Professional Day event. The ERASMUS+ ‘Invited Expert’-activity is a great opportunity, and more experts will be invited to Kalø Organic Farming College in Denmark!
Contact: Guillermo P. Esteve,
Pictures: Guillermo P. Esteve and Gilad Buzi
Text: Anders H. Nielsen