Start Learning At Home – Carry On In School
Flip-IT! – Flipped Classroom in the European Vocational Education (2015-2018) is an ERASMUS+ K2 project that has the objective to enhance the utilisation of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in the daily practice of VET schools across Europe. The project involves ten partners coming from five EU countries: Hungary, Ireland, Spain, United Kingdom and The Czech Republic.
Flipped Classroom Method simply turns the traditional teaching upside down. The learning process starts at home and then it goes on at schools with the elaboration of the newly gained knowledge during the classes. This way the interaction between students and teachers is increased and the roles alter slightly. The teacher is no longer the source of knowledge but he becomes a mentor, a coach, a “guide on the side” who is there to help his learners to obtain, confirm and use their knowledge. Students have more responsibility for their own improvement and they become more independent and self-reliant at the same time.
The long term aim is to improve the quality of VET and prepare students for the rapidly changing needs of the labour market giving them a better chance with their future job and career.
Learn more about project and the FC method by visiting the following links:
Introductory video (EN)
Acknowledgements: many thanks to Nóra (HU) 🙂 Photo: Flip-IT! FB page