Marianne Le Symbole De La Republique Francaise1

France EUROPEA – Claudine LE GUEN at the helm

January 29, 2017
By: Nicolas Negretti


Claudine LE GUEN at the helm

The Autumn General Assembly of France EUROPEA was held in Angers on 16 November 2016.

The accounts are good. The new website will be soon operational. The grouped projects of individual mobilities – carried by Nantes Terre Atlantique for the member institutions of the consortium – pass from the quantitative in LEONARDO to the qualitative in ERASMUS +. They turn to employability, include ECVET approach and institutions must develop their own European development plan.

New President

The big issue was the election of a new president following the termination of Jean-Marc BAYLE’s activities. Claudine LE GUEN takes up the torch.

Professor of agronomy in Coutances, then deputy director and director in Saint-Lô, she is since 3 years director of the EPLEFA of Robillard in Normandy and member of the bureau of France EUROPEA.

Let us pledge that Claudine will maintain the flame and breathe additional dynamics into France EUROPEA.

Claudine Le Guen, the new president of France EUROPEA.
EUROPEA International Logo

EUROPEA – Europe de l’Enseignement Agronomique AISBL

Centre Technique Horticole

Chemin de Sibérie 4

B-5030 Gembloux

Official Registration Number: 450983484