13-16th January 2017, Poland
MINDS into MATTER – the “Book of Business” sustainable training tool in the tourist industry (2016-2018) is an ERASMUS+ KA2 project that has the aim to gather the existing creative knowledge from entrepreneurs working in the field of tourism. Then, by creating the “Book of Business” out of the collected information and data, the project would provide VET teachers and coaches with valuable curricula and useful training tools.
The project emphasises the need for a close collaboration between schools and companies to give students the opportunity to obtain the most up-to-date practical knowledge, which would grant them better chances on the ever-changing labour market.
Partners are coming from six different countries of Europe: Iceland (the project leader), The Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia and Spain. The Kick-off Meeting was held in Iceland in October 2016, and recently the project visited Poland where partners were hosted by EUROPEA-Polska, and the Green VET School of Gołotczyźnie, the Polish partner.
After spending long hours in the conference room, the group visited the company called Gospodarstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowo-Usługowe “Kowalski“ in Winniki, a village in Eastern Poland, and got a very special insight into the country’s agritourism.
EUROPEA is looking forward to hearing from the project again wishing you, dear partners, lots of success and a wonderful two-year journey together!
For more information click to these websites TENERIFE and EESTI or visit their Facebook page.
Acknowledgements: many thanks to Wiesia and EUROPEA-Polska 🙂
Photo: Kowalski Facebook Page