SOS stands for Social inclusion Of Students with special needs into mainstream vocational education and training and world of work – unifies Europe in its quest for responding to the problems of early school leaving and ensuring a good transition from education to the labour market.
SOS Network has been funded by the EU through the Leonardo da Vinci programme.
What we are:
The SOS network is for students with special needs and for teachers, trainers, employers, counselors, caretakers… all those meeting them in daily life. The network provides knowledge, proven methods and access to experience from practitioners all over Europe. 14 partners from 12 countries have united to discover and collect what works.
What we do:
We collect cases of interesting practices from classrooms in schools and training centers, from work places, counseling agencies and other learning environments. We identify methods and approaches that works and make them available through the SOS-portal. We invite organizations, other projects, schools and educational institutions, employment centres and others in Europe and all over the world to get involved and benefit from exchanging knowledge and experience in tackling early school leaving and transition from education to the labour market.
Why we do it:
Providers of vocational education and training all over Europe experience the same problem: students leave education or training without completing it. Many of these early school leavers struggle with social, mental or learning problems and many end up being not in education, employment or training (NEET).
In a society with lurking demographic challenges and economic and social problems NEET is not a solution, neither to the young people categorized as such, nor to society. To approach this challenge we need proven methods for the teachers, knowledge for the world of work and a system that sees the students as individuals with specific competences and skills. This is what the SOS network provides.