5-12 May 2018, Ettelbruck (LU)
CARREFOUR – started in 1988 – is still going strong!
Partners are currently in Luxembourg, staying at Camping Fuussekaul near Ettelbruck – the town of EUROPEA school LTA, one of our founding institutions and the only Green VET Centre in the Grand Duchy.
With the ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership Project STEP (Share, Test, Exchange, Practise), there are some 85 students and 15 teachers attending the meeting and they are from Luxembourg, France, Netherlands, Poland and Germany.
The professional programme includes sessions on creating tutorials (as the main aim of the project) and also, several technical visits. However, in the following days students and teachers will have the chance to enjoy cultural and sporting events, as well as a tour of the magnificent Luxembourg City. The meeting ends with a Final Party at Fuussekaul on Friday evening.
EUROPEA wishes you, dear CARREFOUR Friends, a pleasant stay and a fruitful meeting!
Read more on the relations between CARREFOUR and EUROPEA: here.
Acknowledgements: many thanks to Georges, who eventually participated at all 30 CARREFOUR meetings 🙂
By Judit Čović (HU), leader of EUROPEA Editorial Group