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Did you know…? vol 13

November 30, 2019
By: Karin Elferink | Katrin Uurman

Did you know… Dutchman wins prestigious World Food Prize!

The World Food Prize, called the ‘Nobel Prize for Food and Agriculture,’ aims to mobilize action to solve food-related issues facing the world. The 2019 winner of the World Food Prize is Simon Groot (84), sixth generation seed breeder and founder of East-West Seed. Simon was recently awarded the prize in recognition of his focus on developing and introducing high quality vegetable seeds which have transformed the lives of millions of smallholder farmers in the tropics.


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EUROPEA – Europe de l’Enseignement Agronomique AISBL

Centre Technique Horticole

Chemin de Sibérie 4

B-5030 Gembloux

Official Registration Number: 450983484