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“Agroecology and Sustainable Food” event at Perigord

March 29, 2024
By: Judit Čović

Last week, 18 – 22 March, Agrocampus Perigord organized the “WEEK OF AGROECOLOGY AND SUSTAINABLE FOOD” event. A lot of activities were planned to raise the awareness of students on these important topics.

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Our students organized  a visit to the school farm for young primary school pupils.

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During this week students played a role game to understand the different usage conflicts of water : agriculture, drinkable water, tourism, fishing, nature protection, etc.

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Also, other students played a card game called ‘Agrochallenge’ to understand the problems and challenges agriculture is facing and what can be the solutions. What is more,  a group of students visited the dairy farms that supply our canteen with yogurts : “le petit gaillard” and” Brebis Delices

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As an interesting addition, Agrocampus Perigord is hosting two Indian students, who are coming from University of Pantnagar, for 1 month. They are studying PHD in agriculture and they come here to discover French Agriculture with the DEFIAA program.

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Acknowledgements: many thanks to France EUROPEA and Virginie 🙂

Photos: from Virginie 🙂








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EUROPEA – Europe de l’Enseignement Agronomique AISBL

Centre Technique Horticole

Chemin de Sibérie 4

B-5030 Gembloux

Official Registration Number: 450983484