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Agroecology but… what does it mean?

April 9, 2018
By: Ramon Fernandez

Agroecology was the main topic of the last EUROPEA meeting in Normandy. There, we could realize how difficult it was to define it specifically. In fact, experts have different points of view about it depending on which area they focus on (agriculture, forestry, environmental resources, etc.).

The information showed from specialist speakers in the congress brought light to us. First, agroecology is mostly a process, so it is constantly changing. In other words, we should talk of “agroecological transition” therefore it can be learned (nice for teachers!!).

Due to the the variety of issues that take part in the agroecology, they pointed out that the process shall be implement through transfer of knowledge. Some of these issues are political projects, scientific development, social movement and tools among others. There are several European projects in order to get the process faster such as the program “Teach to produce otherwise”, Social network eapnormadie.fr, some Erasmus + KA2…

At the end, agroecology teaches us that, in the “Green sector”, several solutions can be taken to resolve the same problem. Then, the habits of farmers can change, because “the only thing than is permanent is change” (Heraclito).

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