Fourth Work Meeting in Krems, Austria
11-14 December 2013
Wein & Obstbauschule in Krems, Lower Austria was the venue for the fourth meeting of the ANGIE 2.0 LdV TOI project. The main goal is to develop a methodology for assessing and recognising informal learning, and in order to succeed with that a Pilot Project will be carried out in spring 2014. Partners will send students to each other for a three-week long practical training. Beside their usual duties on the farms, students will have to write a blog and give a regular account of everything that they have learnt or experienced.
Blogs will be translated to English and then a team of Austrian experts lead by Christiane Wagner-Alt (Hochschule für Agrar- und Umweltpädagogik, Vienna) will do the analysis of the collected material. By the time partners meet again in Sweden in autumn 2014 they will already have had the results.
The ANGIE Units developed within the frame of ECVET are ready and finished. Partners agreed on the dates, the number of students and the formal assessment methods. The Memorandum of Understanding was structured and signed by all partners during the meeting in Krems.
Everything is ready for the start of the Pilot Project.
All the best and good luck with it!
A big thank you goes to EUROPEA Austria for excellent organisation, wonderful facilities and great follow up programmes.
Judit Covic, HU
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