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Annual conference of German agricultural colleges and VET schools

October 3, 2023
By: Gerd Alscher

Last week German agricultural VET schools and colleges met for their annual conference. The main topic was “Educating sustainable thinking and doing in agricultural VET schools”. One of the speakers was Elisabeth Hönigsberger, former Secretary General and long-term EC-member of EUROPEA-International, she introduced the Erasmus+ -project ERASDG-Education Requires Appliance of SDGs. The conference was opened by Professor Kühlmeier from Hamburg University, who gave the participants an overview about the 17 SDGs. Later all participants visited an agricultural company to learn about different possibilities of sustainable working in agriculture. Another input was given by Erik Meier from Strickhof/Switzerland, he talked about the sustainable approach in the Swiss dual system of VET. Finally several learning approaches were discussed in workshops.

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