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BREAKING: Spring Seminar Cancelled!

March 13, 2020
By: juditcovic | Paco Fernández

We regret to inform all our EUROPEA friends that – due to the circumstances – our spring seminar scheduled for 18th-22th May 2020 in Murcia, Spain has been cancelled.

From EUROPEA-Espana:

“The organizing committee of the EUROPEA Seminar in Murcia have met this morning to assess the situation and make decisions about it. After analysing the current circumstances and considering all possible alternatives, we have finally come to the conclusion that the most prudent and appropriate option that we should adopt at this moment is to cancel the Seminar.

In any case, let us make it clear that we maintain our commitment to organize a Seminar in our Region, so we keep at the disposal of the EUROPEA Executive Committee so that, whenever it could be possible and if they consider it convenient, we were honoured to assume again the responsibility of organizing a GA in Spain.

We apologize for the inconveniences that this decision may cause.

Be careful, but not afraid. Trust that humanity will be able to overcome this threat. Solidarity between peoples will be the best antidote against any murderous virus.”


Acknowledgements: many thanks for the information to EUROPEA-Espana and our dear friend, Paco.

Photos: from Pixabay Free Images

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EUROPEA – Europe de l’Enseignement Agronomique AISBL

Centre Technique Horticole

Chemin de Sibérie 4

B-5030 Gembloux

Official Registration Number: 450983484