It is a network created in 1988 between 7 schools out of 6 EC countries. The name comes from “Carrefour de l’enseignement agricole” (in english: Crossroads of agricultural education). The main activity of CARREFOUR is a yearly student meeting in one of the participating schools. Over a 100 students are working on a specific topic together, having study visits, cultural visits, sports tournaments… and fun, during a whole week.
What has it to do with EUROPEA? Well this network was asked to create EUROPEA! So many of the first EUROPEAns came from CARREFOUR and most are still active in both networks. Participating schools are:
- EPLEFPA de l’Aube (F)
- LPA Vire (F)
- LTA Ettelbruck (L)
- Terra (NL)
- Institut Redouté-Peiffer (B)
- ZS CKR Golotczyzna (PL)
- SBS Neusaess (D) (not yet an EUROPEA school, but we are working on it!)
After three successfull COMENIUS programs (Hedges & Bridges, Water & Wind, SEM) the network will apply for an ERASMUS+ KA2 project called SKILL! SKILL stands for “Share Knowledge and Innovate Local Landscape”. If the application will be successful, our first meeting will be in Poland in spring 2016. Until then we are looking forward for the next big student meeting in Belgium.