Digitalis2 (1)

Digitalis connects virtually

December 5, 2020
By: Gerd Alscher | Katrin Uurman

The second seminar of the Digitalis project took place from 16.11 – 18.11.2020. In fact we wanted to meet physically in Luxembourg, but… In the end we had to meet virtually in “Teams” because of the known circumstances.

On the first day we were introduced to the digital strategy of education in Luxembourg and got a lot of impressive information about digitalization at Lycée Technique Agricole Ettelbruck. The second day was awarded to “open badges”, digital certificates you can get after achieving certain digital knowledge or skills. On day three we escaped in virtual and augmented reality using our new VR googles.

The Digitalis family thanks all the presenters and participants! Special credits are going to Nicolas Negretti (LU) to organise the seminar!

Read more about the project and the seminar in our newsletter.