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DK: Climate Neutral Agriculture!

January 23, 2021
By: Anders H. Nielsen | juditcovic

New Interreg project in Denmark, Norway and Sweden:Steps towards a more climate-neutral agriculture” (in Swedish: Steg mot ett mer klimatneutralt lantbruk).

EUROPEA member, Bygholm Agricultural College in Denmark is one of eight Scandinavian partners in a new project focused on two major elements in transition to climate neutral agriculture:

  • reduce the dependency on fossil energy for field machinery and grain drying
  • contribution by agriculture to negative CO2-emissions through increased use of biochar

Bygholm Agricultural College will engage in developing new ways to cooperate with tech companies and farmers about introduction of new technology. One outcome is a new course for “field robot operators”. Another area of activity is further development of STEAM-based* pedagogy and didactics for education of farmers. The expected outcome is future farmers with stronger competences within high tech farming.

Norwegian, Swedish and other Danish partners will develop the use of biochar by agriculture as a measure to increase storage of carbon in the soil. Future farmer students at Bygholm will benefit from this part as well.

The project is running from January 2021 to September 2022 and has a total budget of 981.493 €, of which 50% is granted by the Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak programme. Lead partner is “Agroväst Livsmedel AB” from Sweden.

Please contact Mrs. Lotte Ipsen, Head of Education, Bygholm Agricultural College, (li@bygholm.dk) if you want more information about the project.




Learn about biochar here: https://www.nordicbiochar.org/


*STEM – Science, technology, engineering and mathematics


Acknowledgements: many thanks to EUROPEA-Denmark and Anders (DK) 🙂

Photos: Pixabay Free Images

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