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E-Learning Day at Räpina School of Horticultre

December 13, 2019
By: Katrin Uurman

Friday, the 13th is a special day! An e-learning day was held at Räpina School of Horticulture (Estonia) on that day. All students did e-learning assignments, teachers and other school staff engaged in self-development and peer learning.

The day began with a robotics workshop where was learned how to program Bee-Bot and Sphero robots. The workshop offered some excitement and joy, especially when Sphero robot made your smartphone to say Hello! 🙂

Then the teachers introduced Erasmus + study visits to Green Academy (Denmark), to Gartenbauschule Langenlois (Austria) and to Zwolle (The Netherlands), moreover the participation in international professional competitions in Kazan (Russia) and China.

The day ended with a lecture on law of data protection.

It was an exciting and different school day!

However, the next e-learning day will take place on coming year.

Photographed by Meelike Kruusamäe
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