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Entering EUROPEA International

February 2, 2019
By: Monika Brozova | Katrin Uurman

In 2003 commenced Agricultural College and Agricultural secondary school in Benesov negotiation with organization EUROPEA International about entering of the Czech Republic into this organisation. The result of these negotiations was receiving of our republic on 5 October 2005 for a proper member of this association. In the same year was founded EUROPEA CZECH REPUBLIC as a non-profit-making organization, which includes secondary schools and colleges in the Czech Republic and organizations dealing with education in agriculture and related branches. The principal of Agricultural College and Agricultural Secondary School Benesov was established by the national coordinator for the field agricultural educational in the European Community. Thanks to this cooperation are extended options in the international projects not only for our school, but through its cooperation as well as to all secondary and high schools of agriculture in the Czech Republic. Czech agricultural and horticultural students regularly participate on competition organized by EUROPEA members.

Goals of EUROPEA Czech Republic:

  • Collaboration in organizing meetings among teachers in agricultural at regional, national and European level;
  • Participation in agronomic training and innovating  teaching approaches;
  • Organization and coordination of seminars, language exchanges, meeting of students;
  • Exchanges of teachers and students of agricultural sector within Europe
  • Organization and participation of European competitions focused on skills and knowledge in agricultural, horticultural and forestry education;
  • Participation in the development and management of European projects supported by the European Union;
  • Sharing educational and scientific knowledge useful for the development of a sustainable European agriculture.
EUROPEA International Logo

EUROPEA – Europe de l’Enseignement Agronomique AISBL

Centre Technique Horticole

Chemin de Sibérie 4

B-5030 Gembloux

Official Registration Number: 450983484