Good Pollinators

Erasmus+ offers mobility and cooperation opportunities!

October 26, 2021
By: Karolina Sikala | Katrin Uurman


Teachers from Green Academy Aarhus in Denmark with close collaboration with 12 teachers and 42 students from WorldSkills Romania  have been working on a Good Pollinators and Green Walls courses as a part of EPLUG project (Erasmus+ Key Action 3). Their stay was financed by Erasmus+ Key Action 1. The students had completed their assignment very well. They build different insects hotels by using renewable materials.  Furthermore, they learned how to build a green walls.

Are you interested in “Good Pollinators” and “Green Walls” combined with Biodiversity courses?

Contact Karolina Sikala from Green Academy Aarhus.



The next course for international students will take place from 1-26 of November at Green Academy Aarhus, Denmark.

So far, we have 9 students from Poland, 3 from Finland and 4 from Netherlands registered.

Stay Tuned for more info.

Thank you very much Erasmus+!


Article and photos: Karolina Sikala

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