Dsc 0110

Europe and New Media

October 18, 2015
By: Judit Čović

Federal conference of German agricultural colleges in Freiberg/Saxony


7th/8th October 2015

Almost 60 headmasters and teachers of German agricultural colleges came to Freiberg/Saxony and took part in the annual federal conference. The conference was organized by Gerd Alscher, headmaster of Fachschulzentrum Freiberg-Zug and national coordinator of EUROPEA Germany.

On the first day of the conference participants discussed the possibilities and experiences of agricultural mobilities and internships within Europe. One of the experts was Elisabeth Hönigsberger from EUROPEA, who impressively introduced her work with different European activities in this field. At the end of the first conference day Gerd Alscher interviewed 7 graduates from his school about their professional experiences as agricultural managers.

The new media was the main topic of the second day. After a report about a new Facebook profile which was installed by one of the agricultural colleges the audience discussed about specific forms of marketing for vocational educational institutions.

The final part of the conference consisted of a workshop where all participants got lots of information about the usage of tablet computers in schools, they could even try several agricultural apps on a tablet computer. All guests of the conference gave a very positive feedback and gave the conference top grades in content and organization. Next year´s conference will be held in Berlin at the beginning of October.

By the way, after the conference two schools applied for a membership in EUROPEA Germany, so we are already 15 members now 🙂

Written by Gerd Alscher, NC EUROPEA Germany

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EUROPEA – Europe de l’Enseignement Agronomique AISBL

Centre Technique Horticole

Chemin de Sibérie 4

B-5030 Gembloux

Official Registration Number: 450983484