Europea Präsidentin 22 Copyright Jürgen Mück


February 3, 2023
By: Maria Ottenschläger | Katrin Uurman

Elisabeth Hönigsberger resigned from her position as President of EUROPEA Austria. Hönigsberger, who is a teacher at the Krems School of viticulture, headed the EUROPEA Austria association for 16 years and was General Secretary of the EU-wide umbrella organization EUROPEA for four years.

“Forcing the joint educational work across national borders was the determining constant of educator Elisabeth Hönigsberger as President of EUROPEA-Austria. With her commitment on the European stage, she has opened up the agricultural education sector in Austria and filled it with European values,” emphasizes Christiane Teschl-Hofmeister, Education Minister. “Hönigsberger deserves thanks and recognition for his many years of work at European level. This enabled attractive exchange programs for teachers and students to be implemented. In addition, the dialogue in a common Europe could be strengthened and the gateway to Europe was opened for the agricultural schools,” says Teschl-Hofmeister.

“It fills me with joy that the years of development work are bearing fruit and that a lively dialogue and an intensive exchange of experience at European level in the agricultural education sector could be established. Because education doesn’t stop at national borders, especially today,” emphasizes teacher Elisabeth Hönigsberger. “Professional stays abroad are very enriching, especially for personal development. This often opens the door to other countries, cultures and people. International relationships can be established, school partnerships started and friendships made for life,” says Hönigsberger.


THANK YOU Elisabeth for your great work, your diligence and your foresight!!!!


Photo: (v.l.n.r.) Landesrätin Christiane Teschl-Hofmeister und EUROPEA-Austria-Präsidentin a.D. Elisabeth Hönigsberger
Copyright: Jürgen Mück

Photos: Copyright: Maria Ottenschläger

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EUROPEA – Europe de l’Enseignement Agronomique AISBL

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