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Europea Polska implements SDGs in Europe and Asia

December 12, 2021
By: Wiesława Gąsiorowska | Katrin Uurman

SDGs are present in many projects of Europea Polska addresses to students, young people and adults as well. A very inspiring project turned out to be “Analyse-act-attract-achieve: Sustainable Development Goals in youth work“, 2020-2-PL01-KA105-082369.

This Erasmus+ project arise from the recognition of the needs of partners’ organisations from 8 countries – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Estonia, France, Georgia, Italy, Poland and Spain – to implement SDGs in efficient way and have strong positive impact, particularly, on environment and climate change, health and well-being.
By the termination of the project participants know, how to design and manage their own initiatives to increase participation of youth in the implementation of SDGs. They learn how to promote an inclusive and respectful environment and healthy lifestyle that embraces their organisations and communities.
Europea Polska is satisfied to include three organizations from the Caucasus.
Photos and text: Wiesia Gąsiorowska, EUROPEA Poland
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