Rudi Weiss


April 18, 2020
By: Elisabeth Hönigsberger

How are you? How are you doing?
Such questions must have been often heard by all of us every day for the last weeks. These questions made me again aware of another one. Which roles are we playing in life? We all fulfil many different ‘roles’; a parent, a child, a sibling, a partner in life, a friend to mention some in our family life. But we are also teachers, educators and trainers, principals, colleagues, secretary general; and first and foremost – simply a human being.

In each of these roles I feel differently affected. Anxiety, worries, nervousness, concerns have become ever-present companions, who take turns with a certain stressful necessity and excitement of learning lots of new tools for online learning. Or is it distance learning or home schooling? Various skills acquired through European projects help me and keep EUROPEA colleagues close to my heart.

Writing about EUROPEA and projects brings back the worrisome companion. When will we be able to come together for our next meeting? How will project meetings look like in the near future? When will we be able to organize a student competition without worrying about masks and keeping the necessary distance? What can I tell you, as your secretary general, about how to proceed with our plans?  I don’t know these answers and this is another irritating companion.

And then –memories come back. Memories of wonderful seminars, thought-provoking discussions, unforgettably demanding project applications and the joy of succeeding, unifying student events, long-lasting project results; memories – EUROPEA, as simple as that!

Now is the time to preserve all the good we achieved together. So that in the very near future we can really live up to our slogan – TOGETHER we go further!

Rudi Weiss
picture by Rudi Weiss



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EUROPEA – Europe de l’Enseignement Agronomique AISBL

Centre Technique Horticole

Chemin de Sibérie 4

B-5030 Gembloux

Official Registration Number: 450983484