
EUROPEA-Spain Congress in Navarra

February 18, 2018
By: Paco Fernandez

46 people coming from several schools in different regions (9) of Spain have attended the EUROPEA-Spain Congress in the beautiful cities of Villava and Olite in Navarra.

During three intense days (7th – 9th February) the participants have had the opportunity to discuss and learn about:

Discussion themes:

  • Vocational Education and Training in Agriculture and Food sectors in Navarra.
  • Implementation and development of Common Agrarian Policy (CAP) in Navarra.
  • Innovation in the “Green” sector as an instrument for sustainability.
  • DUAL System in VET in Navarra.
  • Training for VET teachers in innovative educational methodologies.
  • INTIA’s Projects funded or co-funded by EC
  • AGROGESTOR platform. Digital advising for farmers in Navarra
  • Introduction of AN Group. A holding of 140 cooperatives and more than 23.000 farmers associated.
  • Training for the integration of young people to agrarian sector in Navarra.
  • Agriculture Entrepreneurial Campus (training for farmers) in Catalonia.
  • ERASMUS+ Projects presentations:
    • ALEE (A learning experience in Europe) KA1 Mobility
    • ANNIE (Aquaponics) KA2
    • LOASA (Learning Outcomes in Accordance with the Skills Agenda) KA2
    • SMART RURAL (Incorporation of New Technologies in Rural Areas) KA2

Technical visits:

  • Visit to JAUREGÍA a familiar dairy bio farm located in the central point of The Batzán Valley. Maybe one of the most astonish and wonderful natural landscape all-around of Europe.
  • Visit to the Navarra Wine Designation of Origin.
  • Visit to a paltry meet factory of AN Group.

Cultural visit:

  • Visit to Pamplona city, very well know all around the wold because of its Bulls Race Festivities “Sanfermines” and because it was inspiration for Ernest Hemingway’s novel entitled “Fiesta” 1926.

EUROPEA International Logo

EUROPEA – Europe de l’Enseignement Agronomique AISBL

Centre Technique Horticole

Chemin de Sibérie 4

B-5030 Gembloux

Official Registration Number: 450983484