Sunday, 10th – Saturday, 16th June 2018
Sunday, 10th June:
Arrival at LFS St. Andrä
Airport Graz, Airport Klagenfurt, Airport Vienna + train to Klagenfurt
Monday, 11th June:
08.00: welcome and greetings
08.30: presentation of Austrian forestry system (DI HansGeorg Jeschke, BH)
09.00: workshop climate change:
10.15: presentation of forestry and education in your school
11.00: lunch at LFS St. Andrä
12.00: departure to forest technic center KONRAD (13.00)
15.30: invitation Rathaus Wolfsberg, city-tour, house of regions, product tasting
coffee break
19.00: dinner at LFS St. Andrä
Tuesday, 12th June:
08.00 – 12.00: forestry Habsburg
14.30: Zogglhof – local products
16.00: KFB-Grubelnig (forestry nursery)
18.00: dinner at LFS St. Andrä
Wednesday, 13th June:
08.00: departure to mountain-forestry Reinbacher
12.00: departure to Plantownia (Styria)
14.00 – 16.30: excursion Plantownia
18.30: dinner at school and evening program
Thursday, 14th June:
08.00: departure
09.00: Pyramidenkogel – the world’s tallest wood lookout tower with coffee break
10.30: departure shipping at lake Wörthersee
11.30: lunch at Minimundus
a trip around the world (Minimundus)
14.30: departure to city of Klagenfurt – city-tour with coffebreak
18.00: Final event at LFS St. Andrä
Friday, 15th June:
07.30: breakfast
08.30: hiking on Koralpe
14.00: mountain-forestry in community “Dechanei Kaltenwinkel”
Saturday, 16th June:
– breakfast and conclusion
– departure