Social Media Marketing – a must in the green sector?
by Elisabeth Hönigsberger & Martina Fichtenbauer
Over the last years, curricula in Austria – as in many other countries – have been changed to a competence-based approach. In addition, one additional focus has been added in Lower Austria – Social Media Marketing.
Why Social Media Marketing?
Social media marketing is a growing branch to reduce the gap between buyers and sellers, between consumers and growers.
Telling stories instead of presenting facts creates attention and concern. Blocking measures during the pandemic showed the increasing need of consumers for local and seasonal products. Social media marketing can reach all layers of buyers.
In order to offer the best possible learning content and learning environment a comprehensive teacher-training course will be provided. Theoretical knowledge will be linked to practical training sessions. Participants will become acquainted with tools and applications to produce and edit pictures and videos. They will develop didactical material to facilitate the best possible learning environment and help their students with the learning.
Furthermore, teachers expand and deepen their digital skills in order to ensure a modern and up-to-date teaching. The acquisition of skills in the areas defined by the Austrian Ministry of Education such as “digital living”; “creating digital materials”, “digital teaching and learning”, “digital teaching and learning in the field” is promoted.
The training course is designed as a combination of seminars, webinars and self-study and will be supported by the University College for Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy in Vienna. Besides Social Media experts, outputs of the Erasmus+ project DIGITALIS can be included in the program, another evidence of how international cooperation can support efforts of school development.
Representatives of green schools and the university college meeting to discuss the in-service teacher training program for social media marketing.
pictures: Martina Fichtenbauer & Elisabeth Hönigsberger