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From Latvia: adult education news!

March 4, 2021
By: Ilze Brante | juditcovic

Activities in the field of adult education

in the Vocational Education Competence Centre “Daugavpils Construction Technical School”, member of Vocational Education Association of Latvia (;

Implementing excellence and good practice are objectives of Adult Education Centre in Daugavpils Construction Technical School (Latvia) that are successfully implemented despite the restrictions set by the COVID-19 pandemic, providing professional development measures for construction specialists. In the 1st semester of this academic year, several webinars were successfully conducted, for example, “Building fire safety solutions: ventilation fire safety and smoke extraction ducts”; “Basics of estimation construction work”; “Estimates and design of wooden constructions”. A total of 319 construction specialists had the opportunity to improve their professional qualifications and they received a certificate attesting the competence.

Several activities are planned also in the 2nd semester, providing 16 professional development seminars, webinars, workshops and master classes for construction specialists on various topics related to increasing the energy efficiency of historic buildings, quality control of road construction layers, labour protection and other topics relevant to construction specialists.

Text and photos: Jelena Fedosejeva, Adult Education Centre Daugavpils Construction Technical School

Acknowledgements: many thanks to EUROPEA-Latvia, Jelena and Ilze (LT) 🙂



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