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GA in Denmark

February 21, 2020
By: Anders H. Nielsen | juditcovic

News from Denmark

EUROPEA-Denmark had a successful General Assembly on Thursday 6 February. Three members of the board were re-elected and financial report 2019 and a new budget 2020 approved. Chairman of EUROPEA-Denmark will continue (Anders H. Nielsen, ahn@bygholm.dk) and same will national coordinator (Karolina Sikala, ksi@ju.dk).

In the annual report you will see that our major achievements in 2019 has been:

In 2019 we have ……

  • applied for and received a new ERASMUS + grant (project EUKID 2019-21) with approx. DKK 475,000 for activities.
  • reported the previous ERASMUS + project JOERU, with a total of approx. DKK 310,000 spend for activities.
  • supported Danish participants at both international half-year meetings. Three in Romania in April and four in Finland in September.
  • supported learning trips in Europe for 8 groups with a total of 16 employees with funding from our ERASMUS + projects (JOERU and EUKID)
  • supported 8 student internships in Europe with funds from ERASMUS + project JOERU
  • supported three teams for student competitions in France, Poland and Estonia
  • conducted a well-attended workshop at the annual meeting for green vocational education
  • created and disseminated new information material about our activities.


Acknowledgements: many thanks to EUROPEA-Denmark and Anders (DK) 🙂

Photo: Anders and Karolina (DK)

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EUROPEA – Europe de l’Enseignement Agronomique AISBL

Centre Technique Horticole

Chemin de Sibérie 4

B-5030 Gembloux

Official Registration Number: 450983484