Here we are again! Delegates of EUROPEA from all over Europe are attending the meeting hosted by EUROPEA Italy.
After some introducery words by EUROPEA pionneers, Prof. M. Pastore and Prof. G. Murolo, by the headmaster of the hosting school “I.I.S.S. Caramia-Gigante” Prof. R. Fragassi, by the mayor of Locorotondo, Mr. T., Scatigna and EUROPEA general secretary Mr. H. Dethlefsen we start to work right away. Prof. Guiseppe Murolo and Dott. C. Agostinelli were exposing the meaning and content of th EQF system. They were showing how it is put in action in Italy and sharing their experiences and the problems they found. A lively discussion will follow.
So far for now, more news to follow on this news section.