Pandemics has put us all in a different situation. As for us, the Give New Life project partners (ERASMUS+; No. 2018-1-PL01-KA202-050609), we had just tested the results and were preparing for the planned dissemination events when the virus changed our lives. We were also looking very much forward to the final meeting that was to be held in Poland.
How did our partners use their quarantine time? Nobody knew how long it was going to take and also, it was unknown when it would be possible to travel around Europe. Therefore, we had to start thinking about this new reality immediately. So it happened, that online contacts have so far supported the work in the project since the stay-at-home period begun. Now digital tools have become the main forms of our project implementation.
We quickly decided to hold an online conference. What is more, every day we write to each other, work on Facebook, use Messenger and suddenly we created a whole new virtual space expanding from Tallinn to Porto! Unfortunately, the pandemic took away the opportunity to realize the scheduled training in Portugal. Schools, teachers and students quickly found their way to the digital reality and online education has become possible, but this is still a transition phase.
We are also waiting for the opening of schools. We are ready with the final dissemination materials of the project, however, the passing of our results to students, teachers, decision makers cannot be done online. The project will have to be extended, we won’t be able to complete all the tasks. But we are looking forward to the day when we can be TOGETHER again and wrap up this great project.
Acknowledgements: many thanks to EUROPEA-Polska and Wiesia (PL) 🙂
Pictures: Give New Life Facebook page