
Give New Life!

December 2, 2019
By: juditcovic | Wiesława Gąsiorowska

“Give new life to environmental and cultural heritage: revitalization of parks, undeveloped urban and rural areas” is a two-year Erasmus+ strategic partnership project created by six partner institutions from Poland, Italy, Portugal, France and Estonia – 3 VET schools and 3 non-governmental organisations. The coordinator of the project is EUROPEA-Polska.

The objectives of the project are:  1) collecting information about places in need of revitalization, share best practices with project partners 2) developing innovative tools for VET staff and students/learners 3) increasing professional development of VET teachers, trainers and mentors 4) enriching partnerships of VET providers in partner countries 5) supporting social and educational value of European cultural heritage.There will be four transnational meetings and two short-term joint staff training events during the project; six multipliers events, local and dissemination activities.

Partners will create an E-Handbook and four virtual lessons, test them and disseminate for their own staff, students/ learners, associated partners and other stakeholders.

The desired impact is to increase formal, non-formal and informal learning and to support VET. The potential longer-term benefit is creating long-lasting transnational networks of organisations involved in VET. These networks could enormously contribute to the improvement of work with cultural and environmental heritage of Europe.

Follow all GIVE NEW LIFE activities HERE.


Acknowledgements: many thanks to EUROPEA-Polska and Wiesia (PL) 🙂

Photos: from Wiesia (PL)

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