In Estonia on March 5, 2025 at the Räpina School of Horticulture the Green Hackathon took place. It brought together young people and entrepreneurs. The upper secondary school students from Põlva County, environmental protection students from Räpina School of Horticulture and local companies came together to address the sustainability challenges of companies. The day was moderated by Mayri Tiido, who is a circular economy expert, trainer and speaker.
The preparation for the Green Hackathon began with homework for the students where the participants were able to get to know companies and institutions, analyse their problems and choose a problem to solve together with the team on hackathon.
On the day of the event, students were able to ask entrepreneurs clarifying questions, and the teams were looking for possible solutions to problems. The day ended with presentations of the teams’ solutions and feedback from entrepreneurs. The entrepreneurs who participated in the Green Hackathon had a great opportunity to cooperate with young people and get new fresh ideas on how to implement environmentally friendly solutions in their activities. Entrepreneurs’ feedback on young people’s ideas was: the young people worked very well as a team. The solutions they offered were very innovative, but at the same time simple and practical, which can actually be implemented. They also dared to admit that there is not always a good solution to the problem.
Feedback from the young people of Räpina Co-educational Gymnasium on the event: “I liked how we were able to put ourselves in the role of an entrepreneur and solve problems and tasks together with the group. The cooperation went very well and we all found a good solution to the problem together. Hopefully, there will be more such great opportunities for cooperation with entrepreneurs.”
During the Green Hackathon, solutions were offered to the following problems: Räpina Paberivabrik AS: How to find a solution to the production waste of different plastics and paper fibres? Metsakoda OÜ: How to direct visitors to sort their waste in order to simplify waste management and the resulting environmental impact?
Põlvamaa Tsõõrimajandus MTÜ: What solutions do you offer for leftover edible food if it is not possible to use a food recycling cabinet? Coop Põlva: How to make the packaging of products more environmentally friendly? Meistrite Kool OÜ: Mehikoorma, located on the shores of Lake Peipus, is an exciting place in terms of nature and history, but young people will not find enough interesting things here – how can we make Mehikoorma attractive to young people? Räpina School of Horticulture: What would be your possible solutions for collecting and using rainwater efficiently? Baun OÜ: How to solve the collection, cleaning and transport of reusable dishes at public events that take place outside the Tallinn/Tartu area?
The Green Hackathon was a great example of how young people and entrepreneurs can work together to offer innovative and environmentally friendly solutions that help make Southern Estonia a more sustainable and greener regioon.
The Green Hackathon took place in cooperation with the Räpina School of Horticulture and the Põlva County Development Centre.
Text and photos: Aigi Salundi-Galitsin