Appraising transversal skills in green jobs for employability of youth and workers in restructuring processes
ACROSS is an ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnerships Project for VET started in 2015 that has the objective to reduce the gap between available skills and the ever-changing labour market demands. The project focuses primarily on sustainability and the appraising of transversal skills, which could successfully relieve high unemployment rates.
Project leader is Tandem Plus, FR and partners come from 8 European countries: Croatia, Portugal, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Denmark, Finland and The Netherlands.
In only a few days, on 26th July 2017, ACROSS partners will held their Final Conference in Brussels, BE promoting the project results and trying to give answers to the questions that they dealt with:
“How can VET and labour market actors contribute to a sustainable, “green” economy driven by the need to better preserve and protect both the social-economic well-being of our societies and the natural resources of our planet?
How can they cater solutions to workers, students and companies and equip them with the necessary skills and capacities to undergo greening processes?” (From: Conference Invitation)
Interested? Register HERE, be there at the conference and get the answers for yourself 😊
Find out more about the project HERE or HERE. Pics: ACROSS and Tandem Plus Facebook sites. Thank you.