24-27 February 2020, Paris (FR)
SIA Paris is one of the greatest agricultural shows on earth! Just the pure size of the exhibition leaves you speechless! The huge halls are full of interesting things to see, great food and drink to taste. Impossible to get around the whole site and see everything!
As for EUROPEA, SIA is the place to take students for the traditional competitions in wine tasting and cattle judgement. This year a small EUROPEA school from Hungary, AM KASZK Táncsics Mihály (Vác, Pest County) also got invited with four students taking part in the cattle judgement contest.
So it happened that Gergely Törgyekes, Attila Mihók, Krisztián Bakadzsiev and Krisztián Kovácsik started preparations in November 2019 with their mentor and teacher, Balázs Rostás. The best Hungarian professionals József Berkó, Tamás Sebők and Márton Szűcs joined in and helped the progress of the kids. The students were also backed up by the management of the AM KASZK Budapest centre, making sure that the team would fly to Paris as international competitions have always been among their priorities.
The journey proved to be a great experience. Not only because the Hungarian lads did very well earning 5th, 9th, 15th and 28th places (out of 61 participants from 22 countries) but also for the great opportunity to visit and enjoy some of the most famous Parisienne sites and the wonderful French cuisine.
Congrats and see you at SIA Paris 2021!
Check the detailed results here: CATTLE judgement and WINE tasting
More info on the OFFICIAL website.
Photos: by Judit (HU)