20190522 105752unkarilaisetopiskelijat

Hungary to Finland

May 29, 2019
By: juditcovic

Hungarian forestry student-group staying for 3 weeks in Finland  5– 26.5.2019

Seven joyful students  with their teacher Ms Erika Kusnerik  from EUROPEA school AM KASZK Dr Szepesi László, Piliscsaba (HU) learned and experienced diverse activities of forestry and nature management skills at SEDU vocational education centre in Ähtäri Tuomarniemi (FI)  forestry school.

During three weeks the group had a change to train the skills of three year study programme in practise; planting trees, brush-cutting young forestry stands, maintaining chain-saws and felling trees as well testing a harvester and forwarder. On the  contrary the  small-scale sawmill work and the barking of logs for log-cabin building gave a touch of hand-work. Hiking trips to trails in the wild nature gave the feeling of the very forested country.

The students compared the different tree species, wide forest areas, and the methods of training with forestry tools and machines. The bravest students tested also the ”glamour” of swimming in the lake soon after the ice had melted.

The group was participating in KA1 Erasmus project and the schools of Piliscsaba and Ähtäri have co-operated with students group exchanges for five years.


Acknowledgements: many thanks to Pirkko Kivinen EUROPEA-Finland 🙂

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EUROPEA – Europe de l’Enseignement Agronomique AISBL

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B-5030 Gembloux

Official Registration Number: 450983484