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In Focus: Forestry

June 4, 2017
By: Judit Čović

Luxembourg, 22-27 May 2017

The ambitious forestry project SILVAforum is in full swing these days!

This ERASMUS+ KA2 project, led by our Luxembourgish colleagues, aims at comparing, creating and sharing educational material on forestry. One of the most important objective is to elaborate suitable ECVET units, which might be of a great help for the future mobilities and student exchanges.

The last week of May saw the project partners coming together in the one and only Grand Duchy of Luxembourg warmly welcomed by the organisers from EUROPEA school LTA Ettelbruck. Students and teachers from six European countries (AT, FI, FR, LU, RO, SE) participated in a six-day workshop, which covered a wide variety of fine activities.

Participants got the chance to improve their professional skills and to discover the beautiful forests and the wonderful countryside of this tiny chocolate-box country. Moreover, the busy agenda also included cultural items with a visit to Schengen and to the City of Luxembourg.

This meeting was the sixth in the line-up as partners have already completed workshops in Luxembourg (6-11 June 2016), Romania (27 June-1 July 2016), Finland (29 August-2 Sept 2016), France (18-23 Sept 2016) and Sweden (23-28 April 2017). Next meeting is scheduled for 18-23 June 2017 when SILVAforum partners will be hosted by LFS St. Andra, Austria.

For more information on the project click to Projects in the menu. More on the LU Programme, pics and videos here.

Acknowledgements:Many thanks to Nicolas (LU) and the Coop Inter Envermeu France Facebook-page admins 🙂

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EUROPEA – Europe de l’Enseignement Agronomique AISBL

Centre Technique Horticole

Chemin de Sibérie 4

B-5030 Gembloux

Official Registration Number: 450983484