Please find here information about a big European apprenticeship forum in Nantes (France) next February.
It’s expected that 1000 learners be there.
According to the organizers, some groups from Germany, Romania, Sweden and Spain have already registered in.
European apprenticeship forum, February 6th 2015
Become part of a European event bringing together around 1000 apprentices and their supervising teams.
- Make Vocational Educational Training (VET)/ apprenticeships attractive
- Encourage and develop European mobility for apprentices
- Simplify exchanges between apprentices and training staff to build long-lasting partnerships
- Demonstrate how mobility improves access to the workplace
- Encourage a two way exchange between partners organizing projects to save time and money
- Involve companies in this move towards apprentice mobility
- Sharing your mobility experiences
- Discussing best practices by trade in each country
- Setting up an active European network with long-lasting partnerships between attendees
- Highlighting the benefits for your institution to promote European mobility
- Developing and optimizing your European partnerships network
For further information and inscriptions:
Attending this event 200 € per participating apprentice and 200€ per participating trainer will be allowed to your institution by the Regional Council of the Pays de la Loire.
We look forward to see you there.
If you have any queries, please contact with:
Martine Daniel – Project Leader
VET Development
CCI Nantes St Nazaire
Telephone: + 33 2 40 44 63 31
Mobile: + 33 6 23 16 96 71
Frederik Chapron
EUROPEA – France