A live webinar took place on Wednesday, 20 March, which was aimed at providing an insight into the new land-based higher education apprenticeships recently launched by Consortium Groups and Teagasc, in collaboration with SOLAS. SOLAS is the statutory regulator for the apprenticeship programmes – approval of employer and registration of apprentices. The webinar provided valuable insights into the diverse opportunities awaiting in agriculture and horticulture.
Topics discussed on the webinar included:
• The employer approval and apprentice registration process and the extensive benefits of pursuing an apprenticeship
• The benefits of pursuing an apprenticeship with Teagasc and your career options afterwards
• Three current apprentices and their employers shared their personal journeys and learning experiences.
Teagasc currently co-ordinate four different 2-year apprenticeship programmes, further details available at:
The link to the webinar is available at https://www.teagasc.ie/education/events/
For more information, contact the Teagasc National Apprenticeship Programme Specialist marcella.phelan@teagasc.ie
(Text and pics by Carmel)