Irish Agriculture and Food Authority, Teagasc
Established 1988
Teagasc (the Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority) is a state body established under the Irish Agriculture (Research, Training and Advice) Act of 1988. Teagasc operates in partnership with the Irish land-based sector, the food industry, state agencies, rural development bodies and higher education institutions. It has developed alliances with research, advisory and training agencies throughout the world.
Teagasc is the primary provider of accredited further (vocational) education for the land–based sector. Teagasc has a major input into higher education and postgraduate education delivery through its extensive partnership with the higher education sector. Teagasc is in the process of developing industry led higher education apprenticeships in horticulture, agriculture and equine disciplines. Teagasc also has a substantial involvement in providing short courses and continuous professional development across the landbased and food sectors.
Teagasc recognises the importance of developing the knowledge, skills and capability of land sector entrants. While practical knowledge will always be essential, there will be an increasing need to broaden and deepen skillsets in areas such as sustainability, new technologies, business and risk management, safety and well being and food assurance. Developing the capability of students to learn, and solve problems for themselves is increasingly important.
Teagasc is the primary provider of land-based accredited further (vocational) education and training at education levels 5 and 6 on the Irish National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) corresponding to levels 4 and 5 on the European Qualification Framework (EQF).