Association of secondary vocational schools in the field of agriculture, food production and food processing, Udruženje srednjih stručnih škola područja rada poljoprivreda, proizvodnja i prerade hrane
Established 2012

Association of Serbian high schools working in the areas of agriculture, food production and processing includes 47 secondary schools, 550 classes in 16 educational profiles and more than 1,200 teachers.

Investing in the education of young people in the area of agriculture and animal husbandry is an investment in the future of the country whose main activity of the rural population is agricultural production and livestock farming. It requires theoretical and practical knowledge and skills, technical competence for handling machinery and equipment, knowledge of environmental laws of agricultural production as well as food safety and quality control.

Education in Serbia enables monitoring and adoption of modern technologies and entrepreneurship development through curriculum represented in educational profiles in the agricultural schools. In this way, young people acquire vocational agricultural knowledge. The Republican Contests for the students in the field of agriculture, food production and processing is organized every school year for the whole territory of the Republic of Serbia where our students compete separately in three categories: Farming, Veterinary medicine and Food production and processing.