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“My class, My school, My family”

September 29, 2019
By: juditcovic

“My class, My school, My family”- the motto of our school!

Secondary vocational school Rakovice is a school with 75-year tradition. It prepares specialists in the fields of agriculture, landscaping, horticulture, floristry and management of regional tourism. Our school is the only one in Slovakia which currently offers the study of floristry.

During their studies our students gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills not only by practising in the school greenhouse, fruit orchard, the school park but also working with fruit, vegetable and flowers growers.

Students of fields Arranger of Flowers and Floristry present their skills at the “Victoria Regia” and “Flora Bratislava” international competitions of floristry. Our students show their excellent skills there and regularly receive medals. The winners represent Slovakia and our school in other international competitions.

We cooperate with other vocational schools in the green sector in Slovakia and the EU. This cooperation allows students and teachers to gain new skills, knowledge and get to know other cultures. The school has participated in the ERASMUS+ programme with many projects. More than 150 students of the school had the possibility to participate in these mobilities in the past.

The school actively cooperates with EUROPEA Slovakia. This cooperation is very beneficial for our students and teachers. Thanks to the cooperation we have more new professional opportunities for our students and teachers. Our highest gratitude and appreciation to EUROPEA Slovakia and EUROPEA International – we are grateful for your support!

Last week was very successful for the secondary vocational school Rakovice, Slovakia. Our florists participated in competition “Victoria Regia” in Piešťany. This competition is the largest floral event in Slovakia. It was 26st annual flower arranging competition. Our students Anhelika Kovach won the second place and Dominika Oboňová won the third place for the competition task “Moje Slovensko –bouquet”, Júlia Rajčáková won the second place for the competition task “Naše dary Zeme – wreath” and the third place in Skills Slovakia.

We are very proud of them!


Acknowledgements: many thanks to Henrieta (SK) and EUROPEA school Rakovice, Piestany (SK) 🙂

Photos: from Henrieta 🙂



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EUROPEA – Europe de l’Enseignement Agronomique AISBL

Centre Technique Horticole

Chemin de Sibérie 4

B-5030 Gembloux

Official Registration Number: 450983484