Spring 1605703

National Congress of EUROPEA Sweden in Västra Götaland

April 12, 2024
By: Gerd Alscher

From 16-18 April 2024 EUROPEA Sweden, the Swedish Association of Agricultural Colleges, with 70 member schools, will hold its annual national conference. The conference, for school leaders and head of the schools, will be held in the countryside between Skara and Skövde in the south western part of Sweden.

The topic of the conference is “LEADERSHIP” and the PROGRAMME will be the following:

Tuesday April 16th p.m.  Lunch and visit to one of the region’s three upper secondary schools with the Natural Resources Programme. Each participant choose which school to visit among the following three schools:

  1. New Axevalla Horse Centre and the Natural resources school Uddetorp (equine studies, agriculture)
  2. The Natural resources school Sötåsen (agriculture, animal care, horticulture)
  3. The Natural resources school Svenljunga (forestry, natural tourism)

19.00 Dinner at Lundsbrunn SPA and Resort

Wednesday April 17th, conference at Lundsbrunn SPA and Resort

08.00 Welcome

08.30 Innovation

09.30 Coffee break

10.00 Vocational teacher – a scarce commodity
Karin Rosén, principal at the Natural resources school Uddetorp and Kamilla Johansson HR expert

10.50 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences – Trends among students to be and possibilities to recruit vocational teachers

12.00 Lunch

13.00 The Swedish National Agency for Education, Per Fermvik

14.30 Coffee break and group discussions

16.00 Reflections

16.15 Welcome from the region of Västra Götaland

16.30 End of conference programme day one

18.30 Prize-giving cermony of the ”Ung-Ullbagge-priset” Challenge prize for the best Junior Achievement in Sweden

19.15 Banquet


Thursday April 18th

08.30 Lecture on the theme ”leadership in school”
Mats Alvesson, prof. and researcher at the University of Lund
Åsa Hirsh, senior lecturer in educational science at the University of Gothenburg


12.00 Lunch and departure

Article: Lotta Rydberg

Picture spring image by Gunnar Spetz from Pixaby

EUROPEA International Logo

EUROPEA – Europe de l’Enseignement Agronomique AISBL

Centre Technique Horticole

Chemin de Sibérie 4

B-5030 Gembloux

Official Registration Number: 450983484